How to Expand Your Professional Network

Networking has so many benefits and could be what lands you your next job, but it can be difficult. From knowing where to start to overcoming social anxiety, we hear a variety of reasons from young professionals explaining why they’re not networking. But we’re here to help!

Here are three ways you can network, ranging from big social events to virtual connections; there’s something for everyone. 

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Attend a Rutland Young Professionals Event

We have a variety of programs at RYP that will get you to meet and mingle with fellow community members. We hold regular meet-ups and mixers - a great way to network! Open to all, these free mixers range from your traditional networking event to physical activities to workshops. 

We also have a program called Let’s Dish, created especially for those new and prospective residents to Rutland.

Additionally, we host an annual gala in celebration of our members, supporters, volunteers, and community. It’s a highlight of the year and we take time to honor the Business of the Year and Young Professional of the Year.

Join a Club

Take a hobby or interest and turn it into a networking opportunity! We’re lucky enough to live in a community with plenty of options when it comes to groups and clubs to get involved in. Maybe you’re into rock climbing, so join a gym or set a goal to drop in for a climb once a month. Building relationships with those at the climbing gym can lead to some awesome opportunities in the future. 

You can quickly grow your network into the triple digits when you join Rutland Young Professionals! Our community includes more than 100 members, with more than 60 businesses represented in our membership.

More examples: volunteer with a local nonprofit, softball league, Killington Pico Cycling Club, Rotary Club, online writing clubs. 

Reconnect with Alumni

Reconnect with Alumni

Don’t forget about the groups you already have in your back pocket, like your college and high school cohorts. Other non-school-related alums may be fellow travel companions from a past group trip or summer camp for instance. 

Don’t be shy; reconnect with old acquaintances, friends and co-workers. You never know what opportunities could arise through these connections.

Have your own network opportunities to share? Drop them in the comments.